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What is Top Level Domain

What is Top Level Domain

Top Level DomainTLD stands for ‘top-level domain’ and refers to the rightmost part of every domain name. In, ‘‘ is the domain name, and ‘.com’ is the TLD. If you’re looking for a TLD, check out our top-level domain list to see what you can register, or try our domain name search.

Consider again. When you type it into your search bar, our website is being located by your computer, using the domain name and an IP address.

Every website on the Internet can be identified by an IP address, which is a unique series of numbers. These numbers are a set of instructions that allows a computer to access stored website data.

Think of an IP address as a mobile phone number. While you may have ‘Dad’ listed in your phonebook, it’s the number that you ultimately use to connect with him.

The letters at the end of a website address are known as its top-level domain (TLD). They typically tell a story about the domain name associated with it, such as the geographical area it was created in, its purpose, or the organization that owns it.

So, what is an example of a top-level domain? There’s .ca for Canada, .biz for businesses, and .com for commercial websites. Interestingly ‘top level domain’ is also known as a ‘URL extension’.

Although the most popular TLD is .com, there are many others available, including .info, .net, and even .protection.

What Are The 5 Most Common Domain Extensions?

In 2019, the 5 most common domain extensions according to Verisign were .com, .tk, .cn, .de, and .net. The .com remains the king of domain names, as one of the original and most popular top-level domains, it’s instantly recognizable.

If you haven’t registered one of the most common top-level domains however, it doesn’t mean that you’re automatically at a disadvantage. The beauty in having the opportunity to choose from a large array of domain names means that it’s very easy to find one that fits your purpose, whether you’re choosing from common TLDs or the more obscure.

Already got a domain extension you like the sound of? Check out our article on the cost of a domain name and how to register a domain name to find out more.

How Do You Create a Top Level Domain?

If you fancy trying your hand at creating a brand new top-level domain for people to use, the first step is to apply to ICANN. If your registration is successful, you’ll become a registrar and have the ability to decide who can use their domain on your TLD.

Some TLD applications can be quite contentious. For example, Amazon has applied for .amazon and have waited years for a decision over their registrar status. ICANN has been dragging their feet due to concerns from countries with Amazonian regions, fearing specific .amazon domain names could cause confusion or touch on national sensitivities.

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